You don't want to come undone. You don't want people to know those things that impacted your life more than anyone could have ever imagined. The mask stays on and covers the blemishes and scars; the marks from the past. You bury it deep inside of you, every feeling and emotion from every harsh event that came upon you, and it weighs like a heavy burden in a corner of your heart. You put up a front, you put on your mask, you're the person everyone thinks you are. You're the person you think you have to be.
But what if you realize all those things can be laid at the cross? When you come to a realization that God doesn't want you to carry all of those things? He doesn't want you to hold all of it inside. He asks you to cast your burden upon Him for a reason. He wants to take the mask off and let the blemishes show.
Healing begins when you come undone. When you totally surrender every part of your life to let Him take care of, the healing starts and your slate is wiped clean. It hurts, yes, but sometimes the healing is in the aching. Don't be afraid to let yourself feel. And when you do, give those feelings to Him over and over again. Cry, scream, pray, feel. And don't be surprised when you feel a burden lift and your heart is renewed. When your mask falls off and you're the real you.
Healing beings when you come undone. Surrender your life to Him.